Archive for December, 2011

Local MP welcomes “Keep the cold out this winter” information pack

Saturday, December 24th, 2011

Christopher Pincher, local Member of Parliament for Tamworth, today welcomed the move by the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council (HHIC) to highlight five cost-saving tips to keep homes in good energy-efficiency order, helping to keep bills down.

HHIC have produced a leaflet giving five safe and simple ways to keep energy bills low this winter. They are only heat the rooms you use most, insulate your home, stop drafts, draw your curtains and use radiator reflectors. They also point to their website which offers impartial advice to people giving real information to real problems.

Mr. Pincher said:

“Rising fuel bills and fuel poverty are a real concern for families in Tamworth.  Residents are worried about how they will pay to keep their homes warm this winter. I am particularly concerned for vulnerable groups, such as pensioners – especially as energy prices have increased so much this year.  With around 25,000 dying each year from cold related causes, there is no room for complacency on this issue.”

“That is why I welcome this initiative by the HHIC who have put together this no nonsense advice in their leaflet. I would urge everyone to look at the HHIC website or contact me if they want a copy of the leaflet.”

“Meanwhile, I will continue to raise the issue of energy prices in the House of Commons.”

Chief Executive of the energy trade association SBGI, Mike Foster said:

“Having impartial advice from the energy experts of the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council on how to keep fuel bills down this winter can only be a good thing. Such practical steps can be taken by everyone and I am delighted to see Mr. Pincher highlighting this way of helping people keep warm this winter.”