MP Statement in response to DfT plans to move forward with HS2

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

The Department for Transport has announced today plans to press forward with its proposal for a new high speed rail (HS2) link between London and the West Midlands.  The high speed rail concept has cross party support with the last Labour government tabling the original proposals and claiming credit for the route.

I am disappointed with the detail of the announcement made today because, despite HS2’s own admission that considerable attention was given to communities around Hints, Weeford and Drayton Bassett during the consultation process, no meaningful change is proposed to mitigate the impact of the line around Tamworth.  The detailed documentation still falls short of many of my direct questions about the need for local mitigations.  We need to ensure that the next stage of review sees the best mitigations are included.  Moreover, I want to see much more detail on the compensation arrangements the Department will put in place to redress the problem of planning blight.  I am relieved that they at least recognise there is a wider problem than those residents and businesses that have property immediately on the route, but I want to know more about how the proposed “refreshed hardship scheme” will work.  It cannot be right that people are financially penalised for simply living in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I will continue to represent my constituents’ concerns in parliament and will fight for the best possible outcome for them in terms of mitigation and compensation.  And I will continue to question the business case which underpins the entire HS2 proposal.

I have regularly corresponded with many constituents and advocacy groups concerned about these plans and the impact they will have on our community. I do not believe the business case presented by HS2 stacks up and feel that other less intrusive alternatives must still be explored.  Should any reader like to be added to my HS2 mailing list, please email me directly at or write to me at the House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA.

I welcome constituents’ views on HS2 and will continue to raise these concerns with ministers. Due to the volume of letters I am currently receiving on this topic, an immediate response may not be possible so do please be patient.

Please be aware that I endeavour to respond to correspondence within 10 working days and letters are addressed in the order that they are received.

Should you wish to contact me about HS2, please either email or post a letter to my Westminster office at the following address:

Christopher Pincher MP

House of Commons



For more detail regarding what I have done in Parliament to represent constituent’s views on HS2, please visit our dedicated HS2 page, here.