Second Exit at Ventura Park a Step Closer?

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

Plans for a second exit which could help traffic congestion at Ventura Park was the topic discussed at a debate by Tamworth Councillors last night (Wednesday March 6).

The Full Council debate focused on Ventura Park – and the raft of benefits it has brought to Tamworth.

However Councillor Steve Claymore, Cabinet Member for Economic Development is set to reveal Sainsbury’s is working on a possible solution to provide a second exit near its store.

According to Cllr Claymore: “Sainsbury’s is in discussion with Staffordshire County Council – and is soon to meet the Highways Agency – to see if a second exit is a viable option, which would hopefully ease congestion around the store’s car park. To date, Sainsbury’s, who own the land, has been working with a consultant to look at traffic and speed data, to ascertain what affect their proposals would have. We believe this data will be discussed imminently with both the county council and the Highways Authority.”

However Cllr Claymore ‘urged caution’ on the news as it is still in the early stages. “While this looks to be a promising project, it is vital we do not raise expectations that any work will definitely go ahead. This is work in progress and negotiations are ongoing between everyone involved. We do not want to undermine any work Sainsbury has done by making announcements that this project is definitely going to happen. I would like to thank Sainsbury’s for all its hard work on this issue. The organisation has been working hard for a number of months to come up with a solution to traffic issues at Ventura Park, specifically around its store. While many local people perceive traffic at Ventura being a problem, we should not ignore the progress which has already been made such as the traffic lights, along with the economic benefits the site brings to Tamworth.”

A Sainsbury’s spokesperson confirmed: “A second exit from the car park should relieve congestion for the benefit of shoppers at the Jolly Sailor Retail Park, including our customers and colleagues. We are currently in the early stages of developing plans and discussing the idea with key parties”.

If the plans are viable, Sainsbury is hopeful the proposal would benefit shoppers at the retail park, but also said it could not guarantee wider benefits for the road network.

As well as the project to provide a second exit, councillors will also discuss work to improve links between the town centre and Ventura, an increased frequency bus service, along with the wider economic benefits the retail park has brought to Tamworth.

Ventura Park was established in 1990 and Sainsbury were one of the first stores to move to the retail park. The site has attracted major stores such as Asda, Next, TK Maxx and Argos. Marks and Spencer also came to the area following a long battle to get them here, as the store was initially reluctant to due a store in neighbouring Sutton Coldfield. In the last 12 months Ventura Park has attracted four major brand retailers creating more than 400 jobs and utilising over 111,000sqft of retail units

Recent major investments include:

  • John Lewis  – £7 million investment – 200 jobs – 42,000sqft
  • B&Q  – £6 million investment – 110 jobs – 45,000sqft
  • Next  – 14,641qft – 53 jobs
  • Maplin – 10,000sqft – 40 jobs

 Both the borough and county councils have been working with developers to ensure that section 106 agreement improvements to the road network and pedestrian measures.  Section 106 (money paid by developers) improvements include:

  • £1.4m junction improvements, lane widening and traffic management systems
  • £100,000 for a safe and prominent pedestrian crossing over River Drive
  • £500k investment in a new roundabout at Cardinal Point, Bonehill Road.                                              

Tamworth’s Member of Parliament, Christopher Pincher, commented: “Many residents contacted me about the traffic problems around Ventura and I raised the matter with the County Council. They told me they hope a second exit from Sainsbury’s car park can be planned as quickly as possible. I am pleased Sainsbury’s, who own the land, and the County Council, who are responsible for highways, are now working closely with Tamworth Borough Council to end the gridlock.”

Deputy Leader of Tamworth Borough Council, Cllr Robert Pritchard, moved a number of motions at the meeting which were all supported by councillors. They were –

That the council –

  • Endorse the Assembly Rooms regeneration proposals.
  • Praise Staffordshire County Council on their efforts to tackle the traffic at Ventura, and reaffirms it’s drive for a second exit by Argos and right turn at Fazeley Road/River Drive Junction.
  • Work with local letting agents to list, and help market, vacant town centre shops to a wider retail audience.
  • Reaffirme our commitment to free town centre events.
  • Reaffirm our commitment to the future Gungate development.