Local MP Opposes Wall Wind Turbine Application

Saturday, November 10th, 2012

Christopher Pincher MP has made clear his objection to the proposed wind turbine near the Letocetum Roman site in Wall.

In response to the application for the proposed wind turbine at Wall Mr Pincher said, “I support renewable, clean energy however I do have concerns about the economic viability of many on-shore wind turbines, including the proposal for Wall.  The turbines are subsidised with money from the pockets of the hard working families whose homes will be blighted by this massive windmill.

“Wall is a beautiful part of the world and it should not be spoilt by a turbine when it is not clear that on-shore wind power built by foreign companies provides any significant economic benefit to Britain nor when carbon-emitting gas-fired power stations have to sit in reserve to switch on when the wind does not blow.”

Mr Pincher is an active campaigner against the construction of inappropriate wind turbines and is one of the 105 MPs who wrote to the Prime Minister earlier this year asking that the subsidy provided to on-shore wind development be cut “dramatically”, so they will only be built in areas where the wind blows sufficiently to make them economically viable.  Thanks to the lobbying of these MPs, the Government reduced the subsidies offered to new developers of wind turbines by 10%.

Mr Pincher has also written to Litchfield district council and local government Minsters about the inappropriate placement of wind turbines including the site at Wall and proposals for a similar wind farm near Clifton Campville.