Archive for December 19th, 2012

Matthew Ellis Determined to See Crime Cut Further

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

Matthew Ellis 03Following today’s announcement of the Government’s 2013/14 grant settlement, Staffordshire Police & Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis says he’s determined to see crime cut further and spend every public pound better.

Under the settlement outlined by Home Secretary Theresa May, Staffordshire Police will get a grant of £117.4m compared to £121.2m in 2012/13.

Mr Ellis said, “I want us to get full value for the public’s money as we continue to find ways to work more efficiently.  I have ambitious plans over the next three years and am determined to deliver them.

“A ‘Team Staffordshire’ approach that identifies opportunities for closer public sector collaboration, to ensure that jobs and prosperity stay in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, is the way forward as we strive to meet our financial obligations.”

Mr Ellis got a first-hand view of policing on a busy Friday night in Stoke-on-Trent city centre last week.

He said, “My time with officers in Hanley confirmed that there are significant numbers of police available to our local communities – and I’m committed to increasing their visibility across the county.”

Mr Ellis recently announced an end to Regulation A19 in Staffordshire, which had required police officers with more than 30 years’ pensionable service to retire.  He also unveiled plans to advertise for new police officers for the first time in three years.

“One of my first major decisions as PCC was to put a stop to A19 and being recruiting again to bring fresh dynamism to the force” Mr Ellis said.

“But we still need to do more to make the best use of the available resources because the number of police officers will slowly continue to reduce over time through natural turnover.

“I’m determined to continue to deliver efficient and effective local police services that are visible to local people while, at the same time, resourcing crucial ‘behind the badge’ roles, such as CID, intelligence and forensic examination, to make sure the public are safe.”