Conservative Controlled Town Council Freezes Council Tax Again

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

Fazeley crest colour smallConservative controlled Fazeley Town Council announced a freeze in its share of local council tax for the fourth successive year at its latest meeting held on Monday 14 January.

Fazeley Town Council receives its share of council tax from Lichfield District Council via the annual Precept and following prudent management of the Town Council’s finances by all Town Councillors, the Precept has again been set at £57,872.00.

Reserves in the Town Council’s annual budget have risen to £16,750.00, an increase of £6,402.95 over the same period, and Business and Town Works Committee expenditure for 2013/14 has increased by 1.7% to £70,332.00, 1% lower than the current UK inflation rate of 2.7%.

Town Mayor, Cllr Rebecca James, said, “For the Town Council to yet again freeze its council tax is good news for the whole of Fazeley.  We are pleased to be able to present a balanced budget for the coming year with a frozen precept, an increase in reserves and a below inflation rise in expenditure.”

The 2013/13 budget was proposed by Cllr Richard McDermid, seconded by Cllr Andrew James and voted through unanimously by all councillors.