Conservative Controlled Council Supports Small Business Saturday
Conservative controlled Tamworth Borough Council is supporting the UK’s first Small Business Saturday on 7th December by offering free market stalls for local businesses and free parking for all visitors to the town centre.
Small Business Saturday is a great chance for small businesses to promote themselves and generate trade. In the US, where it’s an established commercial holiday, it generated $5.5 billion in sales in 2012.
In the UK, Small Business Saturday is a grassroots campaign. Small businesses of all kinds are taking part. They’re planning special deals for customers, showcase events, joint marketing with local media and much more. Small Business Saturday works when small businesses take action.
Small business organisations, local authorities, community groups, big businesses, banks, accountants and others are involved too. They’re promoting the day locally, to their members, customers and supply chains. Some are planning business health checks, clinics, and online advice.
Tamworth’s MP, Christopher Pincher, recently paid tribute to the Borough Council’s initiative in the House of Commons, Mr. Pincher said, “Tamworth Borough Council is doing its bit to back small business Saturday by promoting “created in Tamworth” and offering free market stalls to business people and free parking to customers. We must encourage greater innovation to help these important businesses thrive. Getting more and free parking will get people into our town centres.”