Archive for May 2nd, 2014

Conservative Controlled Council Extends Free Childcare Scheme

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

2 year old free childcare fundingParents in Staffordshire with a two-year-old interested in returning to work or retraining can now do so thanks to 15 hours free childcare.

Conservative controlled Staffordshire County Council launched the ‘Think 2’ free childcare scheme in September 2013 and following a very successful first year, the scheme is to be extended to help even more parents.

Parents who receive Working Tax Credits will now also be entitled to the free places as well as parents meeting the benefits criteria for free school meal eligibility with a household income of under £16,190. This means over 1600 parents could benefit from the extra places.

The free 15 hours childcare is provided by local nurseries, child minders or pre-schools and is available across the county.

Cllr Mike Lawrence, Cabinet Member for Children, Community and Localism on Staffordshire County Council said, “We have been incredibly pleased with the success of the scheme so far and know that it has helped many more parents get back to work or learn new skills.

“Many parents that we speak to tell us that they would like to return to work, but find it difficult to do so because of a lack of suitable and affordable childcare. That’s where our scheme and the free 15 hours has made a huge difference and why we decided to extend it to help even more parents.

“It’s important to remember that very young children who enjoy a good quality early education often get a better start in life. Their early experiences of learning through play form a great foundation both for school life and the years to come.”

Parents will be able to access the 15 hours free early learning per week, choosing to take it either during school term-time over 38 weeks, or spread over the year if the childcare provider has this flexibility. The free places are now available for eligible children on the term following their second birthday.

To apply, obtain information or to check full criteria and eligibility visit, people can also call 0300 111 8007. Eligible parents will receive a list of suitable high quality childcare providers in their area along with their confirmation letter.