Archive for March 29th, 2013

Tamworth’s MP Thanks Beanie Hat Knitting Brigade

Friday, March 29th, 2013

Chris Pincher Hats for Heroes handoverChristopher Pincher, MP for Tamworth, last week joined 74 hardy knitters who braved arctic conditions to take part in the handover of knitted beanie hats to the 3rd Mercian battalion (The Staffords).

The handover took place at the Staffordshire Regiment Museum, Whittington, where more than 15 boxes of hats where given to soldiers of 3 and 4 Mercian (the Territorial battalion).

Around 700 hats have been generously knitted and donated by local individuals and sewing circles to troops to wear under their Kevlar helmets during training and deployment to Afghanistan.  The helmets can be very uncomfortable in high or low temperatures so a knitted beanie hat worn inside the helmet helps enormously.

The knitters were joined by soldiers from 3 Mercian and by the regimental mascots Watchman, the Staffordshire bull terrier and Derby, the ram.

Christopher Pincher said, “I want to thank all of the knitters who have put in so much of their time, effort and money to do their bit for 3 & 4 Mercian before they begin their tour in Afghanistan.

“We have received hats from all over the county – one even came from the US.  It goes to show the profound respect and regard in which local people hold our brave soldiers.  Thanks to the efforts of our tremendous knitters we managed to beat our target of 700 hats ensuring that each soldier on deployment to theatre will get a beanie.”