Archive for June 20th, 2013

Christopher Pincher to Lead Delegation to Meet Transport Secretary

Thursday, June 20th, 2013
Christopher Pincher and Michael Fabricant hand the Secretary of State for Transport letters calling for better compensation for properties affected by HS2

Christopher Pincher during a previous meeting with the Secretary of State for Transport

On Tuesday 25th June Tamworth’s MP, Christopher Pincher, will lead a delegation of local people to meet the Secretary of State for Transport, Patrick Mcloughlin MP, to discuss their concerns about the impact of Hs2 on their communities.

Representatives from Hints, Drayton Bassett and Weeford, together with County Councillor Alan White, who chairs the local HS2 Community Forum, will present Mr McLoughlin with a list of mitigations they want to see for their villages and communities.  Proposals will include the rebuilding of the Knox Grave Lane community’s homes in another area away from the line and a tunnel at Hints.

Mr. Pincher said, “I am pleased that the Secretary of State has found time to meet us so we can raise with him directly our concerns about HS2 and ask him to take action.  I will also raise my concern that there is no Property Bond compensation mechanism explicitly linked to the proposed Paving Bill on HS2, which will be tabled in the House of Commons next week.  I will be discussing this Bill, which is partly about compensation funding, directly with the responsible minister, Simon Burns MP, this week.”

Mr Pincher also visited the HS2 Environmental Statement “road show” at Hints village hall on 18th June.  A steady stream of concerned residents arrived at the hall to quiz a bevy of HS2 experts on everything from the impact on ancient woodland to noise mitigation.