Christopher Pincher Welcomes Continued Fall in Tamworth Unemployment

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

job centreLocal MP, Christopher Pincher, has welcomed the latest numbers showing further falls in local unemployment.

Figures released today show that the number of JSA claimants in May stood at 1461 (3% of the potential workforce), a fall of 360 on claimants in May 2012.  The month on month figures also showed a drop in unemployment of 116.

Mr Pincher said, “These latest figures are welcome news for our town.  It shows that the difficult choices we have had to pursue to sort out Labour’s deficit and rebalance the economy are continuing to show results.

“Times remain tough and there is no room for complacency but I am very pleased that more and more jobs are being created.  We must continue to ensure our recovery gains in strength.”

The fall in unemployment by 0.7% in the last twelve months comes on top of last week’s announcement of a new Morrison’s distribution centre in Dordon, which will create hundreds of new local jobs.

Unemployment in Tamworth is now at its lowest since September 2008, before the great banking crash.