Conservative Council Says New Consumer Rights Bill Will be Good for County

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

consumer rightsPeople and businesses in Staffordshire should see real benefits from the proposed new consumer rights laws unveiled today, the Conservative controlled County Council’s communities leader has said.

County Councillor Mike Lawrence said streamlined consumer laws would help people to understand their rights more clearly whilst ensuring businesses can operate on a level playing field.  He added that the Consumer Rights Bill would be beneficial for trading standards teams – giving clear direction on business support and enforcement and enabling teams to prioritise and focus resources.

The laws, if approved in their current form, would set out a definitive return period of 30 days on faulty goods.  Laws regarding unfair terms and conditions would also be reformed and digital goods such as music downloads included.  The Bill, backed by consumer group Which? could become law by early 2014.

County councillor Lawrence said, “The draft Consumer Rights Bill is a welcome reform of laws which can lack clarity for many people and businesses.  While we still need to see more of the detail, streamlining the legislation and bringing it up to date to include digital goods should benefit people in Staffordshire.

“The county council’s trading standards team works closely with businesses to support them and the local economy.  Having more clearly defined consumer laws will help it to work more efficiently and ensure businesses can focus on improving and growing their operations – not get bogged down by confusing regulation.”

People can find out more about the draft Bill by visiting the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills website.