Local MP Questions Minister on UK Exports and Overseas Trade

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Chris Pincher MP 04Yesterday in Parliament during the Business, Innovation and Skills debate, Christopher Pincher, MP for Tamworth and Chairman of the Parliamentary all-party group on Azerbaijan, questioned the Minister of State (Universities and Science), Business, Innovation and Skills on UK exports and overseas trade.

Mr Pincher asked the Minister, “What assessment he has made of the effectiveness of his Department’s export week campaign.”

The Minister of State, David Willetts MP, replied, “Export week was launched by my colleague Lord Green in May and included over 80 events across the UK, attended by more than 3,600 businesses focusing on 20 high-growth markets.”

Mr Pincher continued, “As chairman of the all-party group on Azerbaijan, I attended the Caspian oil and gas conference, where BP announced its further development of the Shah Deniz gas field.  What action can the Government take with UK Trade & Investment further to expand British trade with Azerbaijan in order to address the concerns of the governor of Ganja, it’s second city, that, although German, Dutch and French companies are bidding for major infrastructure contracts there, no British companies are involved?”

The Minister responded, “We are absolutely aware of the international export opportunities presented by major infrastructure projects and are strengthening the commercial role of our embassies in key target markets such as Azerbaijan to ensure that we secure a fair share of those contracts.”