Archive for July 9th, 2013

Tamworth’s MP Praises the Home Secretary on the Deportation of Abu Qatada

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

Chris Pincher MP 03Yesterday in the House of Commons Tamworth’s MP, Christopher Pincher, praised the Home Secretary, Theresa May MP, on the deportation of Abu Qatada to Jordan.

Mr Pincher said, “May I add to the bouquets under which my right hon. Friend is being buried and congratulate her and her team on succeeding where her predecessors had failed?

“Is she aware of the report that, contrary to what my hon. Friend John Glen said, the plane back to Jordan was not quite empty because it had aboard it three security guards, a psychologist, a medical examiner, and, inevitably, a lawyer?

“Can my right hon. Friend confirm that the costs of those people will not fall on the British taxpayer?  If they do, will she change the rules of taxpayer liability as soon as possible?”

The Home Secretary replied, “It is indeed the case that other individuals were on the plane with Abu Qatada.  I am sure that my hon. Friend will appreciate that having reached this stage we wanted to ensure that the deportation did in fact go ahead and went ahead successfully.”