Archive for December 6th, 2013

Christopher Pincher Praises the Chancellor on His Tax Avoidance Measurers

Friday, December 6th, 2013

cashDuring yesterday’s Autumn Statement debate in the House of Commons, Tamworth’s MP Christopher Pincher praised George Osborne on his proposals to clamp down on tax avoidance and evasion across the UK.

Mr Pincher said, “I congratulate my right hon. Friend on doing the right thing and clamping down on tax avoidance and evasion, that will add a further £6.8 billion to Treasury revenues over the next five years, but can he estimate the extent of the revenues that were forgone because of avoidance and evasion during Labour’s supposed boom years?  Is this not another example of our having to clean up after Labour’s failure?”

The Chancellor of the Exchequer replied, “We are increasing yield by £40 billion over the current Parliament.  It is not just a question of the specific measures that we take to deal with tax avoidance; it is also a question of the resources that we provide for the fraud and tax avoidance units of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.  Let me take this opportunity to praise HMRC for the incredible job that it has done.

“We must ensure that we collect the revenues that are due.  Of course, we want to live in a society in which people pay lower taxes, which is why we raised the personal allowance in order to cut income tax, and why I have announced measures to cut business rates for shops and the like.  However, people must pay the taxes that are due because they cheat the rest of the country when they do not, and that is why we have taken action to deal with tax avoidance.”