Christopher Pincher Invites the Prime Minister to Visit Tamworth

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

Christopher Pincher, MP for Tamworth, called on the Prime Minister to commend the many companies that are moving to Tamworth and bringing new jobs to the town during yesterday’s PMQ’s in the House of Commons.

Christopher Pincher with David Cameron during a previous visit to Tamworth

Christopher Pincher with David Cameron during a visit to Tamworth

Christopher also invited Mr Cameron to visit Tamworth to see how the local economy is improving under the Conservative led coalition Government.

Mr Pincher said, “Voyage Care and Igloo are just two of the companies that have set up shop recently in my constituency, bringing hundreds of new jobs to an area where long-term unemployment has fallen by 35% and youth unemployment by 40%.

“Will my right hon. Friend commend the good sense of those companies for coming to Tamworth, encourage more to do the same and consider visiting Tamworth so that he can see for himself how our long-term economic plan is delivering results?”

The Prime Minister replied, “I am always happy to visit Tamworth and spend time in the shadow of Sir Robert Peel.  I have enjoyed visiting my hon. Friend’s constituency in the past.  We are seeing a recovery, particularly in jobs and getting people off the unemployment register.

“It is worth noting that today’s figures also show that full-time employment is up by 220,000, compared with just a 60,000 increase in part-time employment.  That shows that people are getting the full-time jobs that they want.  I am happy to commend the businesses he is welcoming to Tamworth.”