Christopher Pincher Questions Foreign Secretary on EU Migration

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

EU UK flagTamworth’s MP, Christopher Pincher, questioned the Foreign Secretary on EU migration during the latest debate on European Union (Free Movement) yesterday in the House of Commons.

Mr Pincher said, “What recent discussions he has had with his EU counterparts on reforming the principle of free movement within the EU?”

The Foreign Secretary, William Hague MP, replied, “I discussed free movement with my Hungarian and Bulgarian counterparts last week.  My right hon. Friend the Minister for Europe raised free movement at the December General Affairs Council and the Prime Minister was clear at the December European Council that free movement cannot remain completely unqualified.”

Christopher continued, “When my right hon. Friend discusses these issues with his counterparts in Europe, will he remind them that because British immigration was previously out of control, if there is to be confidence here in the single market, and if we are to welcome talented and skilled migrants to work in our country, a broken system that allows mass population movements from the south to the north of Europe, because migrants think that if they cannot get jobs, they can certainly get generous benefits, must be fixed?”

Mr Hague responded, “Certainly I make the point to colleagues across the European Union that the long-term sustainability of the free movement of workers requires the sort of reforms that my colleagues in the Government have announced in recent weeks, particularly on rules that govern our social welfare system.  Other member states share our concerns on abuse of free movement, particularly Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, so we will continue to make these points.”